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My first book, Motherdom: Breaking Free of Bad Science and Good Mother Myths, is due to be published in Spring 2025 by Verso. It tells the story of how science and nature have been weaponised against women and explores how we can transform motherhood.

Motherdom draws upon my expertise as a researcher and a postnatal practitioner. I have written extensively about early parenthood and postnatal issues for NCT publications.

My research overview 'Supporting women in the transition to motherhood' was published by the NCT's journal Perspective and is a set text for the NCT's/University of Worcester's "Birth and Beyond" degree. I have also edited and reviewed NCT content. While I was on maternity leave in 2008/9, I edited Clapham NCT’s quarterly magazine Special Delivery.

As well as contributing to many research reports during my career, I have also written articles and edited publications on research, such as Ipsos’ Understanding Society: A Woman’s World.